Dr Elizabeth Boyd
Clinical Psychologist
Therapy Services
Dr Boyd specialises in the following:
Mood and Emotional Difficulties (e.g. persistent pervasive low mood, mood dysregulation, anger).
Anxiety, Panic, Obsessive compulsive behaviours and excessive fear.
Self Harming behaviours.
Trauma Stress (e.g., Nightmares, Flashbacks, Persistent Sense of Dread).
Sleep Disturbances.
Therapeutic approach
The therapeutic approach is to use psychological theory and models to achieve change for clients through conceptualisation of the issue and then working towards specific goals in a structured and gradual way.
Central to the work is developing a shared understanding with clients of how challenges and experiences in their life have led to certain difficulties. Realistic and achievable targets are agreed for the therapy based on the client’s choices and needs. A therapy plan is followed that fits with the client’s short and longer term goals. The plan and therapy goals form a pivotal role for reviewing progress during therapy.
As a Clinical Psychologist and with the range of further therapeutic training and experience undertaken, a number of different therapy approaches and techniques can be utilised and drawn upon including NICE recommended Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT); Rational-Emotive Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (REBT); Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR), Systemic Family Therapy. She also utilises Internal Family Systems Therapy as well as more neurobiologically informed approaches with consideration to Ego state/Parts work and Polyvagal theory. These different therapies are delivered according to professional and clinical guidelines and tailored to the needs of individuals and the presenting issues. Overarching the delivery and utilisation of these therapy approaches is the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF). This is an alternative non-medicalised model of mental health a psychological difficulty. Dr Boyd is a member of the BPS PTMF Sub-committee.
It might be that you do not know what the problem is exactly, but you know that you are 'not as you should be' or that 'things could be better'. In this situation, the discussion with Dr Boyd on the phone or via email can be helpful to determine whether it would be appropriate for an initial appointment to happen. It may be that information and assistance can be provided on other services and agencies that may be more appropriate for your needs or problem.
As therapy proceeds, the goals and needs are regularly reviewed to ensure that outcomes are optimised.
By its nature all psychological therapy is confidential. This means Dr Boyd will not tell anyone who has sought or undertaken therapy with her. Neither will it be discussed with others what has been discussed in anyone's therapy without the client's prior consent and agreement. A professional and moral exception to a confidentiality agreement is when it is deemed there is a risk issue such as safety of yourself or someone else then it is a professional imperative (and as part of Duty of Care) to inform the relevant person's to ensure your, or another person's, safety. In any eventuality of this, this would discussed this with you at the time.